Las redes neurales involucradas en el control cognitivo intervienen en la regulación y la gestión de procesos de memoria de trabajo, autocontrol, focalización, planificación, flexibilidad mental y razonamiento. A su vez, este tipo de procesamiento está asociado a la adquisición de aprendizajes escolares. La investigación neurocientífica en el área sostiene la noción de que este tipo de procesamientos tienen niveles de plasticidad que permiten su modificación por intervenciones tanto experimentales como educativas.
Estos temas son los que serán abordados en una nueva conferencia de Learning & the Brain en el mes de mayo. El programa incluye a los siguientes expositores y temas:
- Russell A. Barkley. The executive functions: What they are, how they work and why they evolved.
- Martha B. Denckla. Executive function: Scope and impact.
- Howard E. Gardner: is there a central intelligence agency in the brain?
- Rosemary M. Tannock: Can educators enhance working memory, attention, and academics in children with LD/ADHD?
- Sandra Bond Chapman: Making student smarters: Strenghtening thinking, reasoning and brain performance.
- Daniel T. Willingham: What, if anything, are new technologies doing to kids´ ability to pay attention?
- Sam J. Goldstein: Executive Functioning: New Ideas, Good Science and the Future of Education.
- Philip D. Zelazo: Executive Function and the Developing Brain.
- Margaret Dawson: Strategies for Managing Executive Skill Deficits in Children and Adolescents.
- Janet N. Zadina: Using Brain Research and Executive Function to Enhance and Energize Instruction.
- Lisa A. Jacobson: Forecasting Children's Academic and Social Competence from Early Executive Function.
- Joyce Cooper-Kahn y Margaret Foster: Boosting Executive Skills in the Classroom.
- Tracy P. Alloway: Improving Working Memory in Students: The New Intelligence.
- Martin Buschkuehl: Brain Training: Benefits and Challenges for Memory and Scholastic Skills.
- Judy A. Willis: Using Brain Research to Help Students Develop Memory Networks and Become Problem Solvers.
- George McCloskey: Improving Working Memory in the Early Childhood Classroom.
- William R. Stixrud: The Relationship Between ADHD, Executive Functioning and Self-Regulation.
- Rachel A. Razza: Attention, Self-Regulation and School Success.
- Amishi P. Jha: Mindfulness Training, Working Memory and Attention: Implications for Education.
- Patricia Jennings: A Mindfulness-Based Approach to Improving Student Learning, Attention and Self-Regulation.
- John J. Ratey: The Benefits of Exercise on the Brain and Executive Function Skills.
- Bruce E. Wexler: Cognitive Training for Children with Executive and Learning Problems.
- Kenneth S. Kosik: Improving Memory Through Exercise and Cognitive Training.
- Buinevere F. Eden: Brain imaging Studies of Dyslexia: The Role of Language and Visuospatial Processing.
- Nora S. Newcombe: Training Spatial Thinking and Reasoning Skills in Students for Success in STEM.
- Jack A. Naglieri: Harnessing the Power of Executive Function Strategies to Teach Reading and Math.
- George McCloskey: Executive Functions and Academic Production in Reading and Writing.
- Sarah Armstrong: What's Missing? How Research on the Executive Brain and Learning Can Support Complex Thinking Embedded in the Common Core Standards.
- Jared M. Novick: Benefits of Executive Control Training for Language Processing.
- Deborah J. Leong: The Power of Play in Young Children: Fostering Play and the Development of Self- Regulation.
- Stephanie M. Carlson: Executive Function, Pretend Play and School Success.
- Fay E. Brown: Students' Concepts of Motivation, Self-Regulation and Achievement.
- Kathleen M. Kryza: Practical Strategies for Teaching Students to Self-Regulate Mindsets.
- Claire E. Cameron: Self-Regulation, Executive Function and Academic Achievement.