Este es el blog del grupo de trabajo de la Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET), que trabaja en el área de pobreza infantil y desarrollo cognitivo. Además de encontrar material sobre el trabajo del grupo, el visitante tendrá oportunidad de interactuar con sus integrantes, acceder a información y comentar las entradas sobre los diferentes temas asociados al área de investigación.

This is the blog of a research group in the Unit of Applied Neurobiology (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET), who works in the area of child poverty and cognitive development. In addition to finding material on the group's research work, visitors will also have the opportunity to interact with its members, have access to information, and comment on entries on various topics related to the research in the area of interest.

Pobreza infantil y desarrollo cognitivo: Número especial de Developmental Science / Childhood poverty and cognitive development: Developmental Science Special Issue

Link to full-size graphical abstract

La revista Developmental Science publica en su número de Septiembre (2013) una sección especial dedicada a trabajos científicos sobre pobreza infantil y desarrollo cognitivo. El contenido de tal sección es el siguiente:

Kimberly G. Noble, Martha J. Farah: Neurocognitive consequences of socioeconomic disparities: The intersection of cognitive neuroscience and public health.

Gwendolyn M. Lawson, Jeffrey T. Duda, Brian B. Avants, Jue Wu, Martha J. Farah: Associations between children´s socioeconomic status and prefrontal cortical thickness.

Kimberly G. Noble, Mayuresh S. Korgaonkar, Stuart M. Grieve, Adam M. Brickman: Higher education is an age-independent predictor of White matter integrity and cognitive control in late adolescence.

Margaret A. Sheridan, Joan How, Melanie Araujo, Michelle A. Schamberg, Charles A. Nelson: What are the links between maternal social status, hippocampal function, and HPA axis function in children?

Przemyslaw Tomalski, Derek G. Moore, Helena Ribeiro, Emma L. Axelsson, Elizabeth Murphy, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Mark H. Johnson, Elena Kushnerenko: Socioeconomic status and functional brain development – associations in early infancy.

Gary W. Evans, Thomas E. Fuller-Rowell: Childhood poverty, chronic stress, and young adult working memory: the protective role of self-regulatory capacity.

Sebastián Lipina, Soledad Segretin, Julia Hermida, Lucía Prats, Carolina Fracchia, Jorge López Camelo and Jorge Colombo: Linking childhood poverty and cognition: environmental mediators of non-verbal executive control in an Argentine sample

Helen Neville, Courtney Stevens, Eric Pakulak, Theodore A. Bell: Commentary: Neurocognitive consequences of socioeconomic disparities (pages 708–712)

Acceso a información sobre el número especial de Developmental Science

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