Este es el blog del grupo de trabajo de la Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET), que trabaja en el área de pobreza infantil y desarrollo cognitivo. Además de encontrar material sobre el trabajo del grupo, el visitante tendrá oportunidad de interactuar con sus integrantes, acceder a información y comentar las entradas sobre los diferentes temas asociados al área de investigación.
This is the blog of a research group in the Unit of Applied Neurobiology (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET), who works in the area of child poverty and cognitive development. In addition to finding material on the group's research work, visitors will also have the opportunity to interact with its members, have access to information, and comment on entries on various topics related to the research in the area of interest.
Rol del estrés en el desarrollo cerebral / Role of stress in brain development
Neurociencia y Educación: Actualización bibliográfica / Neuroscience and education: Literature update
Recientmente, la Academica Pontificia ha publicado el libro Human Neuroplasticity and Education, editado por los Profesores Battro, Dehaene y Singer. El volumen, que puede descargarse gratuitamente, incluye los siguientes contenidos (se conserva el lenguaje de publicación de cada capítulo):
The massive impact of literacy on the brain and its consequences for education (Dehaene, S.)
Brain Mechanisms underlying the critical period for language: Linking theory and practice (Kuhl, P.)
Extent and limits of speech and language organization after early left hemisphere injury (Faraneh Vargha-Khadem)
Core Systems and the Growth of Human Knowledge: Natural Geometry (Spelke, E.S.)
Plasticity in Learning Pathways: Assessments That Capture and Facilitate Learning (Fischer, K.W., Dawson, T.L., Schnepps, M.)
Fragile X Syndrome: From Neuroplasticity to New Hope (Bear, M.F.)
The Human Genome Diversity and the Susceptibility to Autism Spectrum Disorders (Bourgeron, T.)
Neuroscience, Education, and Learning Disabilities (Galaburda, A.M.)
Interacting Experiencial and Genetic Effects on Human Neurocognitive development (Neville, H., Stevens, C., Pakulak, E.)
The Architecture of the Baby Brain (Dehaene-Lambertz, G.)
Social Cognition and the Seeds of Education (Meltzoff, A.N.)
Developmental Changes in Neuronal Oscillations and Synchrony: Evidence for a Late Critical Period
(Uhlhaas, P.J., Singer, W.J.)
Human Neuroplasticity and Education
Battro, A.M., Dehaene, S., Singer, W.J., Galaburda, A.M., Neville, H.J., Vargha-Khadem, F.
Acceso a la versión pdf del libro